lördag 9 mars 2013

Song of the day 09/03/2013

Today we are going to the guy who while not becoming the cultural ambassador he still is the ambassador of Partying hard, this is the song Ready to Die!

if you have spotify then I recommend you subscribe to my playlist HERE

fredag 8 mars 2013

Song of the day 08-03-2013

Today on song of the day we go to Dexy's midnight runners, you assume it's gonna be Come on Eileen don't you?

Well you're wrong, it's 

Jackie Wilson Said ( I'm In Heaven when you smile )

a song title that just rolls of your tounge

if you have spotify then I recommend you subscribe to my playlist HERE

torsdag 7 mars 2013

Song of the day 07/03/2013

Today we are visiting Swedish Guitar god Yngwie Malmsteen, this is a tune from his album Relentless.

if you have spotify then I recommend you subscribe to my playlist HERE

onsdag 6 mars 2013

Song of the day 06/03/2013

Today we visit Kai Hansens band Gamma Ray with their tune Land of the Free!

if you have spotify then I recommend you subscribe to my playlist HERE

tisdag 5 mars 2013

Song of the day 05/03/2013

Oh today we are going classic Thrash, because these gods of metal was just booked to Swedish festival "Getaway Rock Festival".

They are TESTAMENT! And this is one of their most classic tunes!

if you have spotify then I recommend you subscribe to my playlist HERE

måndag 4 mars 2013

Song of the day 04/03/2013

 Today we are going to experience the german powermetal band Grave Digger.
 This is their song "the last supper"

if you have spotify then I recommend you subscribe to my playlist HERE

And just for shits and giggles, here is a picture of me with grave diggers guitarist Axel Ritt

söndag 3 mars 2013

Song of the day 03/03/2013

Today we are going back to the 23d of march 1979.  Californian band Van Halen releases their second studio album, "Van Halen II" a short 32 minute album that ends with the song that happens to be the Song of the Day!
if you have spotify then I recommend you subscribe to my playlist HERE


lördag 2 mars 2013

Song of the day 02/03/2013

if you have spotify then I recommend you subscribe to my playlist HERE

Todays song is the classic but often forgotten ballad by German metal band Accept from their classic but often forgotten album Breaker, it's

Can't Stand the Night

fredag 1 mars 2013

Song of the day 01/03/2013

This new segment of my blog in order to keep the Blog more active, I shall show songs here that are really fucking awesome!!!
The songs will be shared on both youtube and spotify, if you have spotify then I recommend you subscribe to my playlist HERE

Song of the day 01/03/2013
Lordi - We're not bad for the kids (We're Worse)

The first song to be featured here is a song that was released today, ain't that a nice how do u do?

Finish Metal band Lordi Released their Sixth studio album today on the first of march 2013 and they are set to tour this summer in various festivals!